
NDIS podiatry Adelaide: NDIS Podiatry Services

Podiatrists are university-qualified health professionals specialising in treating lower leg and foot conditions. If therapy supports or assistive technology are part of your NDIS plan, podiatry services may be covered under your plan.

Retaining rural podiatrists is essential to optimising allied health workforce supply and service quality in remote regions. Unfortunately, however, factors impacting professional retention are numerous and complex.

Diabetic Foot Care

NDIS podiatry services Adelaide specialises in treating feet, ankles, and lower legs. They are skilled at diagnosing and treating conditions such as ingrown toenails, foot/ankle injuries, biomechanical imbalances and general nail and skin care needs. Diabetic foot care can also be crucial to prevent wounds, ulceration and other complications associated with diabetes.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) enables access to podiatry services when clinically necessary, and our podiatrists provide general nail and skin care as well as more complex medical foot issues like relieving pressure off feet, managing diabetic neuropathy symptoms, prescribing custom orthotics for assessment purposes, footwear advice or wound care management.

Dependent upon the nature of your disability, home visit podiatry could be right for you. Our home visit podiatrists can assess you and together create a service plan including appointments, costs and any relevant details, which will then be signed by both parties and kept at our clinic as part of your records.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme aims to provide over 460,000 Australians living with permanent and significant disabilities with access to funds necessary to reach their goals and live an ordinary life. As an NDIS provider, we currently offer our services both self managed and plan managed participants.

Ingrown Toenail Management

An ingrown toenail occurs when one or more corners of a nail curve down and dig into the skin surrounding it, causing pain, redness and swelling in its surrounding tissues. Without treatment this condition may progress into infection – possibly caused by tight shoes or stubbing your toe. A warm soak, trimming and antibiotic ointment usually resolve this issue but in more serious cases surgery may be required to correct it.

Your NDIS podiatry services Adelaide will identify an ingrown toenail by carefully evaluating both toe and nail. He or she will then gently lift the edge of your nail and place cotton, dental floss or a splint under it in order to separate the nail from its overlying skin edge and help the nail grow above. In order to be successful with treatment for ingrown toenails, daily foot soaks must be undertaken, and replacement material installed until all symptoms of an ingrown toenail have subsided.

For severe ingrown toenails, local anaesthetic may be administered first in order to numb the toe. Once numb, your clinician will use a sterile slit to cut away offending sections of nail, while chemicals like phenol may be applied directly onto your toe (which produces cells to form nails) in order to destroy its matrix (the area below your toenail where nail cells grow back), before covering it in a sterile dressing and waiting for healing to take place over time.

Medical Grade Footwear

A podiatrist can prescribe medical-grade footwear and custom orthotics (inserts that support the foot and lower limb). These will assist in improving gait, aligning ankles, helping reduce deformity, spasticity, walking speeds and improve walking as well as pain management if a person experiences foot instability.

A podiatrist can provide numerous treatments to manage fungal nail infections, such as topical solutions, oral medications or laser therapy.

Podiatry services can assist people with disabilities who have difficulty reaching their feet to perform basic foot care tasks such as cutting and filing toenails and removing callouses or corns. NDIS podiatry services Adelaide also specialise in managing ingrown toenails through permanent treatments options available today.
