
Switchboard Upgrade Safety Tips: Safety Tips For Switchboard Upgrade

Switchboards are essential in providing electricity throughout your home, so their operation must meet strict electrical safety regulations.

An outdated switchboard could put people and property at risk of fire or electric shock, so it must receive upgrades if it shows any sign of needing upgrading. Check out these switchboard upgrade safety tips.

Overloaded Switchboard

Your electrical switchboard serves as the focal point of your house, routing electricity from its source – consumer main on the street – directly to outlets and hot water systems throughout your home. As more appliances or solar systems are added, an upgrade may be required on your switchboard to meet the demands of additional appliances or systems requiring electricity, such as adding more outlets. It may be wise to hire an electrical professional in this instance.

Faulty or overloaded switchboards can pose significant threats, leading to fires. If your fuses keep blowing out or switchboard trips frequently, now may be a good time to consider upgrading it.

Kenner Electrics offers comprehensive switchboard upgrades designed to optimize power usage. By upgrading your switchboard, Kenner Electrics can help manage your electricity load more effectively – meaning less tripped and blown fuses! Plus, safety switches will be installed simultaneously to meet electrical standards and regulations and meet older homes using ceramic fuses more efficiently.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights could be a telltale sign of overload or failing components in your switchboard and may indicate the need for upgrades or replacements. If this problem arises for you, now could be the time to consider upgrading or replacing it altogether.

Modern households rely on more appliances than ever, increasing power demands on our electrical systems. Older switchboards that still use ceramic or porcelain fuses cannot meet this demand and may overheat, leading to house fires.

If you are experiencing flickering lights, frequent tripping of circuit breakers or an offensive burning smell near your switchboard, consult a licensed electrician immediately. They can inspect to find the most cost-effective switchboard solution for you while meeting all safety standards; doing this can protect against outages and property damage and lower your energy costs in the future. Check out these switchboard upgrade safety tips.

Fuses That Are Constantly Blowing or Melting

Your switchboard fuses are there to protect your wiring and electrical equipment from power surges and short circuits, but if they keep blowing or melting unexpectedly, it could indicate something is amiss with its circuit – an experienced electrician should assess this immediately.

Outdated ceramic fuses cannot keep up with the electrical demands of modern appliances and devices, increasing your chances of overheating or even fires in your home.

To determine if a fuse has blown, remove it from its holder and look for signs that indicate its rupture; for instance, gaps, dark or metallic spots inside of glass and low or high readings of resistance (O) which indicate its rupture are all indicators that a fuse has gone.

Faulty Appliances

Electrical appliances have become an indispensable part of daily life, yet they require significant power to run effectively. Unfortunately, older switchboards weren’t intended to handle this increased load and can pose serious safety threats to your family.

An overloading switchboard can create dangerous issues such as flickering lights and house fires, making upgrading it before it overloads necessary. Check out these switchboard upgrade safety tips.

A switchboard is the central hub that directs electricity to electrical circuits and appliances throughout residential, commercial and industrial spaces. It houses circuit breakers or fuses that are designed to trip when there is an overload or fault, reducing the risk of fire and electrocution. As technology advances and safety standards become increasingly stringent, it’s important to keep your switchboard up-to-date. This article will explore the compelling reasons why you should do this and some of the key signs that your switchboard may be in need of an upgrade.
